Review: Trade Fairs 2022

As an international player, the BeSealed team likes to keep our finger on the pulse at home and abroad. We do this, among other things, by participating in trade fairs all over the world. This year we had our own stand at the following fairs:
- World of Concrete in Las Vegas: January 18 - 20, 2022
- Big 5 Global in Dubai: December 5 - 8, 2022
For us trade fairs are always a great opportunity to catch up with our customers, but also the ideal moment to network with relevant partners and potential new customers. As in previous years, our visits to these fairs provided interesting findings that we took home to work on further. Not only for our sales team but also our R&D team, which is busy every day looking for improvements.
Did you drop by? We’d like to thank everyone who visited our stand. Couldn’t make it? No worries! We’ll be attending plenty more international trade fairs next year. Be sure to keep an eye on BeSealed‘s LinkedIn page if you’d like to know more about upcoming trade fairs.