Review: Trade Fairs 2018

The year is almost coming to an end. This year again we had the pleasure of attending a number of trade fairs all over the world. These trade fairs are the perfect opportunity for BeSealed to share our expertise in sealing solutions with the whole world and to meet our supporters in person. Did you drop by our stand? We would like to thank you again for your visit. Couldn’t make it? Don’t worry, there are several fairs planned for next year. Follow us on the BeSealed LinkedIn page if you would like to stay informed.
We look back on successful trade fairs which we have attended:
- World of Concrete in Las Vegas: January 23 – 26, 2018
- WorldBuild in Mumbai, India: April 19 - 21, 2018
- Big 5 Global 2021 in Dubai: November 26 – 29, 2018